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Leighton Middle School

Pastoral Care

Promoting positive good behaviour 

All behaviour should be measured against our home school agreement and the associated EXPECTS.

Value the fact that you have, and everyone else has, a particular contribution to make and that everyone’s contribution is worthwhile:



E     Everyone be responsible for personal organisation and behaviour

X     No bullying, racism or intolerance

P     Personal excellence
E     Everyone has the right to learn
C     Care for property and the environment

T     Teacher instructions must be followed, and work completed to the best of my ability

S     Show consideration for all members of the school community


This code of behaviour rules out bullying, unkindness, stealing or damage to property in our school. All of us – pupils, parents, teachers and governors – will show our disapproval of such acts and will work together to stop them happening. 

Statement on Bullying                                                                            

This school considers that bullying is a serious threat to the happiness of the school community. We recognise that bullying can take many forms such as ‘name calling’, physical force and ‘ganging up'. 

Our aim is to provide a culture to prevent conflict and promote positive behaviour throughout the school.  When bullying is reported it will be investigated, as all behaviour incidents are, and staff will follow the consequence ladder.  Staff will pro-actively investigate the incident, gather information and share and record with appropriate staff.  Pupils will be supported through our pastoral system.  It may be necessary to involve the Head of Year or a more senior member of staff.  Pupils are encouraged to talk to staff through our strong pastoral system.

Each term, a discussion with pupils takes place to help them understand this Code of Behaviour.

Our Personal, Social and Health Education Programme contains modules of work which allow pupils to discuss topics connected with bullying.

Other discussions also reflect and support this statement. 

Young Carers

Young carers are identified in school either via parents, pupils, professionals or lower schools. The young carers have a termly meeting and can access pastoral support as appropriate.


Useful Contacts for Carers In Bedfordshire 

Telephone number – 0300 111 1919   

Website - www.carersinbeds.org.uk 


Please go to our Policies page to find our school policies relating to Pastoral Care.  If you would like a hard copy of any of our policies please contact the School Office.