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Leighton Middle School

School Meals

HCL (Hertfordshire Catering Limited) is our catering company and was chosen after a rigorous selection process that involved some of our students sampling the dishes on offer. The company provides the catering at breakfast club, lunch times and offer a break time snack.

Cashless system

HCL operate a cashless system with Live Register for the school meals. In order to facilitate this, pupils need to have their fingerprint scanned to purchase items from the school canteen, the fingerprint will be the method of identification for payment. It is important that all pupils who may have a school meal, even a Christmas lunch, do have their fingerprint scanned as it will be the only way to order/pay for school lunches.  Scans will be taken at various times during the school year.  In the meantime a pin number will be allocated to use.

The fingerprint scan only scans three sections of a child's fingerprint. All fingerprint data is held securely on in-school servers, and is never uploaded to any web or cloud services and no staff can see the actual biometric data that is captured. 

HCL offer an allergy system https://hcl.co.uk/allergy-overview for the initial overview.*

FAQ for Allergies are found here https://specialmenu.hcl.co.uk/faqs

Parents will need to create an account for their children at https://specialmenu.hcl.co.uk/ and provide the relevant information relating to their allergies.

*Please note:-The Allergy Management System used by HCL is undergoing maintenance from Wednesday 26th of March until 4th of April.  During this time, parents will not be able to access the system.  If you have any urgent allergy-related concerns or queries during this period, please contact the school office in the first instance. 

School Meal Costs

The price of a meal is £2.50 which includes a dessert (meal deal) £2.20 without a dessert.  

Parents can pay daily, weekly or half-termly in advance by topping up via Arbor.

HCL Winter_Menu_2024_-_2025

Allergy Awareness Statement

HCL Letter to Parents of Leighton Middle School

Pupils may bring a packed lunch from home. Pupils eat their packed lunch in the dining room and are able to socialise with others who are having meals cooked at school.