Challenge Partners
“The quality of provision at Leighton Middle School is exceptional. Students benefit from learning from highly skilled teachers in an atmosphere that is unquestionably conducive to their development.”
Curriculum Intent
Leighton Middle School strives to prepare pupils for the next stage of their educational journey, whether that be the next lesson, the next topic, or the next year.
Our intent focuses on four main areas:
- Ensuring children learn and remember the desired knowledge and skills as set out by each Head of Department
- Encouraging pupils to strive for Personal Excellence
- Providing regular enrichment opportunities outside of the classroom environment to offer a wide set of memorable learning experiences
- Creating independent learners within the classroom and across the school environment encompassing our desire for pupils to achieve Personal Excellence and develop leadership skills
From Year 5, pupils have the benefit of being taught in a secondary setting which offers a broad curriculum, specialist teachers, resources and rooms.
The curriculum is planned by specialists who take in to account the National Curriculum, pupils’ starting points as well as the context of the school. Each subject has a curriculum map which clarifies the learning journey from years 5 - 8.
A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered such as music and P.E as well as enrichment opportunities provided by every department. Pupils are happy and encouraged to strive for personal excellence; they are prepared for the next learning journey as well as future careers. Disadvantaged pupils make accelerated progress across their time at LMS and are positively discriminated to experience a range of opportunities to support their personal development and future career opportunities.
Subjects taught on a weekly basis and the number of lessons per week:
Hours per week |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Mathematics |
6 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
English |
7 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
Science |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
French |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Geography |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
History |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
P.E. |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
RaW* |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Art |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Music |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Computer Studies |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Religion and Worldviews.
Learning Partners and Star Challenge
All lessons use Learning Partners to provide instant support and feedback. Learning Partners are selected carefully to ensure all pupils can learn to their best potential. Lessons regularly include Star Challenges: these are elements in the lesson in which pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves to complete additional tasks for example, including a particular grammatical feature in a piece of writing.
Support Strategies
Small English and Mathematics classes in KS2 |
Learning Support Assistants |
Pastoral Support Workers |
Pastoral Interventions |
Accelerated Reader |
Circle Time |
One-to-One reading twice a week in afternoon registration |
Year 8 afternoon readers
Reading Aloud |
Academic Interventions |
123maths |
Echo Reading
IDL for KS3 |
Assemblies take place on at least a weekly basis and in a variety of formats over the school year including by: year group; key stage, house and whole school. All assemblies link to British Values, well-being and/or SMSC development.
Example assembly themes:
Year 5 |
Remembrance (British Values) |
Respect (Social, British Values)
St George’s Day/Shakespeare Day (British Values, Culture) |
Year 6 |
School Council Elections. Student Voice, Democracy (British Values) |
St David’s Day (British Values) |
World Refugee Day (British Values, Moral, Cultural) |
Year 7 |
Change (Spiritual, British Values) |
Generosity (British Values, Spiritual, Moral) |
Disability Awareness (British Values)
Year 8 |
Mental Health Awareness (Health and Wellbeing) |
Relationships (British Values, Social) |
The coming year
(Health and Wellbeing) |
Leadership Opportunities/Personal Development
Throughout their time at Leighton Middle, pupils are encouraged to be leaders of learning.
Examples of leadership opportunities:
Student Council |
Play Buddy |
Sports Leader |
Digital Leader |
Year 8 Reader |
Peer Supporter |
Learning Partner |
Year 8 Receptionist |
Please find our outcomes for Year 6 and 8 here: Data & Assessment
Disadvantaged Pupils
On entry to Leighton Middle School children in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant are performing below age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. Mathematics GL entry data is always lower than English GL data. Whilst at Leighton Middle School, pupils in receipt of PPG, make greater than expected progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics in every year group thus diminishing the difference to end of year expectations in comparison with their own starting points.
Pupils with SEND
Over the last four years, on entry to the school, pupils with SEN are attaining well below age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. By the time children leave Leighton Middle School, attainment in Reading and Mathematics is one term behind age related expectations and 1 or 2 terms behind in Writing. Cumulative progress is always greater than expected in all 3 subjects. This demonstrates accelerated progress towards meeting age related expectations.
Please go to our Policies page to find our school policies relating to Curriculum. If you would like a hard copy of any of our policies please contact the School Office.