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Leighton Middle School

Computer Studies


 The intention of the Computer Science department is to provide a well-informed learning environment whilst adhering to the national curriculum where each pupil has the opportunity to grow in confidence and passion as well as knowledge when using technology safely.

Our aim is to offer all pupils with a varied and engaging curriculum which provides access for all types of learners.  The curriculum allows our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity through computer science, digital literacy, and information technology to help understand the evolving technological world that is around them and to encourage the subject to be taken at KS4.  It builds on skills, so pupils can use computers and programs competently and build knowledge so pupils are able to understand the use and the importance of technology in all areas of life and to help prepare them for jobs that have not yet been created.  The intention is to develop independent and safe learners through the encouragement of resilience and the continual reference to online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using technology whilst building on their understanding.


 The Computer Science curriculum covers a variety of units where pupils have the opportunity to transfer skills and evaluate the tools and resources they use. The curriculum is varied and covers three areas of discipline: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy as well as continually addressing e-safety issues ensuring all areas of the national curriculum are covered.

The learning includes understanding of how computers work and how they communicate, how to program, how to use software as well as considering their safety and security whilst using technology and when they use technology in the future.  Each topic relates to how technology is used in the real world in an aid to prepare pupils to their future beyond Leighton Middle but also considers innovative technologies/ discoveries, technology in the news as well as current e-safety issues

The sequenced lessons are to ensure the development of skills and knowledge needed to complete tasks and solve problems.  The curriculum spirals across year groups to allow aspects of units to be revised and ensure knowledge and skills are built upon whilst preparing pupils for KS4.

Progression in Computer Science will build on their understanding of an algorithm and how to express the algorithm symbolically or in an actual program to using algorithms to solve more complex problems using different programming paradigms.  Whereas progress in Information Technology will build on their experience that information can be presented in different forms to use more effectives searches and to collect and use the data to present it in a meaningful way.  While progression in Digital Literacy will lead into making judgements about what is acceptable and not acceptable behaviours when using technologies and know a number of ways to report concerns as well as making judgements about digital content when evaluating it and repurposing it for a given audience.

There is encouragement to continue their learning and enjoyment through clubs and regional and national competitions.


 The overall impact of our Computing curriculum will ensure that pupils can use and understand how computer work.  Including:

  • know and understand the importance of being safe online and what to do if they have concerns;
  • independent in saving and organising their work to help ease of accessibility in future;
  • ability to use software and programs;
  • transfer of skills as well as understanding how computers work so they get the best from their computing experience.

The impact is to equip pupils with the skills, knowledge, and experience to have a solid introduction to KS4 Computer Science as well as preparation of computer use in their independent lives and help pupils to pursue their interests and enjoyments in technology. 

Curriculum Overview

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Year 5

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

 Network & Communication

Rules – for the classroom and online activities.

Introduction to network drives and saving work into organised folders.

Introduction to Google Classroom – accessing work, submitting, and uploading work.

Baseline assessment.



Introduction to network security.

Accessing local and internet resources with use of a username and a password.

File Management techniques.



Able to log on independently to both the school network and Google Classroom.

Able to manage own file system.

Able to submit work on Google Classroom



Username, email, password, security, files, folders, network drives, file explorer, task bar, submit, upload.



Creating & decoding secret messages -

Understanding the need to protect information by use of passwords, security, and encryption.

Links to universal communication and encryptions during WWII and the importance of Bletchley Park.



What are codes and what are ciphers.

The need to keep information safe – security.

The development of computers which allowed the decryption of secret messages during WWII.



To communicate in different codes and ciphers.

To decipher secret messages in code or ciphers.

To use tools to aid encrypting and decrypting information.



Code, ciphers, semaphore, morse code, Caesar cipher / shift cipher, monoalphabetic ciphers, encode, decode, encipher, decipher, encrypt, algorithms, random number generator.

 Graphical Artists.

Fuse geometry & art -

Development of basic IT skills to mass produce graphics efficiently.

Development of techniques with vector graphics.



What a tessellation is.

How it can be made up of regular polygons and irregular polygons.

Shape art of Bridget Riley.

Optical illusions.



Create polygons using graphic software.

Duplicate the shape by using copy and paste.

Rotate object.

Colour object.

Group objects.

Layer objects – bringing objects forwards or backwards.

Many of the skills are taught through the mouse menus, file menus and shortcut keys.



Shapes, polygons, regular polygons, irregular polygons, graphics software, quick shapes, copy, paste, select all, group, layer, rotate, move back, move forwards, move to the back, move to the front, contrast, menus, right-click, graphics, vector-based graphics.

 Game Developers

Design & create a computer game –

Original idea including own artwork (bitmap graphics/vector graphics) and use of programming scripts to make the game interactive.



Information that a gamer needs to play a game.

The concept of a maze game.

Inputs – where the gamer controls what the sprite is doing by using key inputs.

Coordinates – x and y axes.

The need to check and debug programs.



Design a maze and a sprite in paint editor.

Create scripts which allow the sprite to move.

Create starting scripts so the sprite always starts at the right position whenever the game begins.

Create scripts which create interactivity in the game (selection statements – if… then…)

To continually test scripts for bugs.

Use of variables to calculate score or lives.



Algorithms, decompositions, debugging, visual graphics, programming, scripts, sequence, iteration / loops /repetition, variables.


 Introduction to spreadsheets

Introduction to spreadsheets and how they can be used to calculate.

Building a spreadsheet that uses formula to work out the costing of items when prices and quantity change.



Spreadsheets are a giant calculator.

The calculations adapt to the different inputs.



Create multiplying and adding formula.

Use of the autosum function.

Use the spreadsheet as a costing model to help work out costings when a certain criterion is given.



Spreadsheets, cells, cell reference, columns, rows, formula, calculations, auto-sum.



 Web Developers.

Create website about game promotion.

Research skills by finding important information about promotion.  Looking at how search engines work.

Development of key presentation skills of images, text, and video.



Layout of a website.

Content of a website.

Hierarchy of the pages of a website.



Insert images from the internet or from own area.

Insert text.

Insert videos.

Create links.

Create a hierarchy of pages – create subpages from the main pages.



reliable, trust, bias, layout, images, text, videos, links, hierarchy, headings, 

Year 6

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

The units of work are taught in a carousel to ensure the whole year group has opportunity to use and learn how to program LEGO and the BBC Micro:bits

Communication and Collaboration.

Explore how data is transferred over the internet.  Examining IP addresses as well as the makeup and structure of data packets.  Looking at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration and evaluate the different methods of communication.



Understanding of IP address and the protocols that computers use.

Understanding how data is transferred across the internet.

Understanding privacy, information security, copyright and permissions.



Use technology to communicate and work with others on a project.

Reusing and modifying work of others.

Communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.



Internet, IP addresses, protocols, data packets, binary, binary strings, images, text, transferred, types of data, copyright, permissions, purpose,

privacy, security.



Create programmable models -

 the creation of a variety of models with motorised Lego controlled by specific software.  They are given the intent of the program, and must solve the problem, through trail and error, experimentation and group work.



Build different models which can be programmed using Lego WeDo software.



Program each model so it solves a given problem.

Explain which blocks were used in their program and why.



Lego, algorithms, decompositions, problems, problem solving, teamwork, explanation, blocks, trial and test, debug.


3D Modelling

Develop their knowledge and understanding of using a computer to produce a hollow 3D models, to then create a more complex 3D model (a model of a building).



The difference between bitmap images and vector-based images.

Angle of perspective shows a different image.



Resize, move, duplicate, flip and rotate shapes.

Group and ungroup shapes.

Changing from 2D to 3D.

Combine skills to create own model.



Graphics, 2D, 3D, models, resize, rotate, move, flip, duplicate, grouping, ungrouping. manipulate, recolour.



Create stimulations of physical objects -

Creating mini coding projects using a block editor and the skills of drag and drop to download programs.



What Micro:bits are and what their components including inputs and outputs.

Different types of block scripts.



Create a program using java blocks to solve a problem.

Transfer the program from the website to the actual Micro:bit.

Test and debug the program.

Extend the basic program.



Micro:bit, micro USB, input buttons, reset buttons, LEDs, processor, compass and accelerometer, pins, download, drag and drop, file explorer, download folder, algorithm, decomposition, random number generation, selection statements - if then / if then else, iterations / repeats / loops, blocks / java blocks.


Costing Models

Create a costing model using effective tools, which can help forecast profits/losses, needs and wants. 



Understand what data sets are and how to create them.

How formula works.

Understand that when conditions change, results are impacted.



Copy formulae by using fill-handle.

Formatting cells so it is easier to understand.

To use a spreadsheet to answer “What if..” questions.



spreadsheets, columns, rows, cells, cell references, formula, formula bars, fill handle, absolute referencing, “What…if…”, formatting, profit, loss.


Webpage Creation

Create a webpage that uses a master page to ensure consistency of layout and ease of navigation. 



What makes a good website.

Understanding common features on different pages.

What copyright is.

Need for navigation tools.

Understand that HTML is the underlying code to webpages.



Plan the layout of the website and the webpages.

Use copyright free images.

Link pages to each other.

Use existing code to the webpage.

Incorporate simple HTML code into the webpage.



webpage, website, internet, navigation, hierarchy, copyright, use of text, table, images and videos, purpose, audience, structure, homepage, menus, sitemaps.


Year 7

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

 Under the hood.

History of computing components of computers. –Developing knowledge of Inputs, outputs and processors.

Looking at the way computer process information.


Developing an understanding of binary and file sizes (bits, bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes).



How computers have changed over time.

Different components of the computer and their function.

What binary is and how it relates to file sizes.



Order devices in chronological order.

Identify components of a computer.

Convert binary to decimals and decimals to binary.



Chronological order, computers, computing, inputs, outputs, processors, function, binary, bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes

 Think like computer scientists.

Using computational thinking -

Creating an emergency evacuation plan for school by examining the problem, decomposition information available and investigating workable solutions.

Use of spreadsheet skills to help summarise information and to present it in a graph.



Methods that can are used to solve a problem.



Decompose a problem.

Identifying a cause to a problem by using pattern identification.

Creating graphs to see patterns and allow for comparisons.




Decomposition, pattern identification, graphs, algorithm.

 Programming Essentials

Building on knowledge and understanding of key programming concepts.



Understand that all tasks are made up of steps.

Identify key programming concepts as examples, such as repetition.



Using programming blocks to overcome given problems.



Decomposition, algorithm, coding, code, sequence, sequencing, variables, selection, procedures, subroutines, iteration, count control, instructions, executed, modify.


Programming Essentials

Building on their understanding of the control structures’ sequence, selection, and developing their problem-solving skills by creating subroutines as well as lists.



Understand programs follow a sequence and ‘true’ expressions in selection statements.  

Understand the efficiency of subroutines and the need for the call script in the main program.

Understand how data can be store in the program so information can be recalled, pattern created or support a defining a condition that needs to be met.



Decompose the problem into tasks that can be solved.

Using programming scripts to solve given problems.



Decomposition, algorithm, coding,  sequence, variables, selection, procedures, subroutines, iteration, condition control, lists, problems solving.


Modelling Data using Spreadsheets

Creating data sets from primary and secondary sources and using and creating own formulas to help understand the data.



The concept of spreadsheet software.

How data is not static.

Statistical understanding of data.



Collect data from primary and secondary sources.

Format data

Create mathematical calculations

Create additional functions to help analyse data.

Sort and filter data.

Create graphs

Use conditional formatting



spreadsheets, cells, cell reference, absolute referencing, formatting, formulas, formula bar, functions, SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNTIF, sort, filter, graphs, axes, column, bar, line, pie, conditional formatting, rules.

Developing for the Web

Creating webpages using HTML and CSS. 



Understand how websites are catalogued and organised for effective retrieval using search engines.

Understand how search engines ‘crawl’ through the World Wide Web and how they select and rank results



Modify code using inline styling.

Apply HTML tags to construct a web page structure.

Use CSS to style static web pages.



webpages, website, internet, search engines, ranks, filter, selection, world wide web (www), html, CSS, hyperlinks, navigation, static webpages.

Year 8

Autumn Term:

First Half Term

Autumn Term:

Second Half Term

Spring Term:

First Half Term

Spring Term:

Second Half Term

Summer Term:

First Half Term

Summer Term:

Second Half Term

 Networks from semaphores to the Internet

Defining what a network is and considering the benefits of networking, before developing an understanding of how data transmit through wires and wirelessly



Understand what a computer network is and explain how data is transmitted between computers across networks.

Identify different devices that make up network.

Understand the term bandwidth - the rate at which data is transmitted

How data travels between computers across the internet



Identify issues with devices or data transmission that interferes with use of the network/internet.



internet, data, transmission, wired, wireless, routers, protocols, bandwidth, IP addresses, TCP, data packets, structure 


Gain an understanding of how binary and binary additions are designed to work.



what is binary

how binary works

how we can add using the column method (using carry-overs)

what is the overflow



convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary

use method to add 4bit binary numbers

use method to add 8bit binary numbers

identify when the overflow problem will occur



binary, number systems, place value, base number, addition, carry overs, overflow

 Instruction Set Design

Pupils are provided with an opportunity to think about different aspects of programming to solve a ‘real-world’ problem or challenge.



concept of remote computing and the need to have instructions stored in memory.

limitations memory can have on a running program.



use procedural programming techniques.

identify which is the most efficient program.



procedures, subroutines, calls, efficiency

 Programming using selection statements and Boolean expressions

Pupils use Boolean statements (“AND” or “OR”) and expressions.



concept of remote computing and the need to pick up inputs from the environment



build on selection statements to include if then else statements as well as Boolean operators to help define when conditions are met or not met.



procedures, signals, time, efficiency, selection, if then, if then else, Boolean operators, and, or, not, comparison operators, logic operators.


Introduction to Python Programming

Introduces text-based programming with Python. The lessons start with simple programs involving input and output, and gradually moves on through arithmetic operations, randomness, selection, and iteration. Emphasis is placed on tackling common misconceptions



Know the difference between algorithm and program.

Understand semantic statements



locate and correct syntax errors

use arithmetical expressions in statements



python, textual programming language, errors, misconceptions, inputs, outputs, displays, arithmetical operations, random number operator, selection, iteration, debugging, syntax errors, semantics.


Data Science

Using data to investigate problems and make changes to the world around them, they will be exposed to global and local data sets and gain an understanding of how visualising data can help with the process of identifying patterns and trends



Raw data can be difficult to see if there are patterns.

The visualisation of data in graphs/charts can help identify patterns, and even overcome problems.



Select criteria and use of data set to investigate predictions.

Solve a problem by implementing steps of the investigative cycle on a data set



graphs, charts, table, data, x axis, y axis, key, legend, data table, titles, horizontal axis, vertical axis, select data, predictions, investigate, patterns, investigative cycle, correlations, outliners.


British Values


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

The importance of having your opinion heard is part of the pupils' Computing lesson through class, group and paired discussion.  Fairness and opportunity is promoted in all group work, so everyone becomes a value member of their community regardless of size.  When working collaborative, pupils are supported in making choices in a democratic way to ensure that all pupils are involved and there is the promotion that this working relationship needs 'give' and 'take'.

The importance of law and rules are continually referred to in their Computing lessons.  Initially, they are taught the rules of the room to ensure their physical safety as they are working in a room filled with electrical equipment.  Pupils are also taught about their social responsibility where as a school we support pupils to distinguish between right and wrong.  This overarching aim is to teach pupils to take responsibility for their own actions.  Pupils are taught about the legal implications of downloading music / pictures / films, posting offensive material, cyberbullying, cryptography / encryption and hackers.  Pupils are taught the reasons behind these rules and laws, and the consequences of what happens when these laws are broken. 

In Computing, we promote the freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs in a safe environment.   This freedom is seen as a choice in how they complete a task (including skills such as copying and pasting) and in programming (where the pupil chooses the scripts and their order which supports their understanding and preference).  We teach pupils to take responsibility for their chooses and support that they have rights to choose and personal freedoms within a task.  Overarching these chooses, pupils are advised how to exercise these safely. Pupils are continually supported to become as independent as possible, to encourage greater opportunity and more freedom to make further choices. 

All pupils are taught the importance of listening/watching/playing respectfully to the work of others and giving constructive criticism to help the individual further develop their work.  Emphasis is continually shown with the concept that we all make mistakes, and we must respect errors as this is how, often, people learn.  Some of their learning will include online collaborative work to reflect how working relationships exist in the outside world and how we can use computer tools to support this working relationship.  These key skills of respecting and tolerating others is promoted as they are necessary skills as they continue education and enter the workforce.


The Computing scheme of work includes videos of industries which use present technology, such as car manufacturing, and research facilities including NASA but also the past, such as approaching to deciphering in WWII and how it relates to today's data, as well as future, videos that encourage pupils to question what the future of technology will hold.

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8

Encryption - ethical hackers or working for anti-virus companies

Computer Art - graphical artists and designers

Gaming - project managers, writers, artists, designers and game developers

Website - web designers

Communication and Collaboration - web designers

Programming - software engineers, computer programmers

3D modelling - graphic designers, architects

Web creation - web designers 

Encryption - ethical hackers or working for anti-virus companies

Binary - software engineers

Components - technician

Computational thinking - doctors, mathematicians, data analysts

Programming graphics - video game graphic designer

Animation - graphic designers, animators, production artists, programmers 

Network and the Internet - network managers, network technicians, web developers

Binary - software engineers Programming - software engineer, computer programmer

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)





Pupils have the opportunity to be reflective about their own beliefs and choices and hold respect for those with different feelings and values. As technology has made our world a very small world, our Computing lessons provide opportunities to learn about other communities such as communities who rub noses or stick out their tongues when they meet someone for the first time. As no-one knows what the future holds, promotion of self-belief is an important element of their learning about technology. 

The importance of promoting pupils' ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong is referred to in the pupils' Computing lessons. Pupils examine the rights and wrongs on a personal level but also examine moral questions on a social and business level. The pupils examine the implication of behaviours in light of laws, both nationally and internationally but also gain an understanding of the consequences of their behaviours. 


In their Computing lessons, pupils will use a range of social skills in different contexts to create a good working environment. They will be challenge with working with those of a different ability, different socioeconomic background and different viewpoints. We examine how the use of technology can help our world work together by looking at the social and welcoming aspects of technology. Beyond the classroom, pupils have the opportunity to take part in regional competitions and volunteer to become Digital Leaders who support others in the school community.

In the Computing lessons, we appreciate the history of tools that have helped us compute information to help us understand the computers we have today. As people have always used tools across the globe, we reflect on their influence within their culture, and their benefits they hold. We also examine how cultures use technology today, particularly the advances in Japan and South Korea and across many nations when we look at space travel and investigations. Although we look at the advances in the well-developed countries, we also examine other cultures, where technology can be the solution or help to solve current issues, such as outbreaks of malaria in Africa.